Mana Stone:

Manastones contain a certain statistic and a certain value. For example, Manastone: Accuracy +12. In this case, this Manastone would add 12 to your Accuracy value if you placed it into a socket of one of your equipped items. Similar to the enhancing, only the following slots contain sockets: chest slot, legs slot, shoulders slot, hands slot, feet slot, primary slot, and secondary slot. Also, the higher the rarity of the item, the more sockets it contains:

White Item = 1-2 Socket
Green Item = 2-3 Sockets
Blue Item = 3-4 Sockets
Orange Item = 4-5 Sockets
Green Abyss Item = 4 Sockets
Blue Abyss Item = 5 Sockets
Orange Abyss Item = 6 Sockets

Similar to enhancing, placing Manastones into sockets can fail. The penalty for this is that all Manastones already in sockets and the Manastone you just used for that item are destroyed, returning the item to all empty sockets. The positive is that this is quite rare and usually only occurs when placing too high of a level Manastone into a low level item. However, at this time, there is no way to tell the exact level of a Manastone; just know that the higher the value, the higher the level. Also, green Manastones are harder to socket than white Manastones.

When the game is released, there should be level requirements on Manastones which will make it easier to tell the level of the Manastone.

A good strategy for placing Manastones into sockets (when an item has more than 1 socket) is to socket your least valued Manastone first and your most valued Manastone last. This way, the chance for failing and wasting your most valued Manastone is reduced to a minimum.

You can also remove Manastones from items by visiting a "Remove Manastone" NPC. These are usually found around major cities and towns. You pay a small fee and the NPC will remove your desired Manastone from your item. Although the Manastone will be destroyed in the process, the remaining Manastones already socketed into that item will not be destroyed.

List all Manastones and possible values:

Manastone: Attack (Adds to your Attack value)
Value Range: +1-5
White Manastones: (+1, +2, +4)
Green Manastones: (+3, +5)

Manastone: Accuracy (Adds to your Accuracy value)
Value Range: +12-25
White Manastones: Even (+12, +14, etc.)
Green Manastones: Odd  (+21, +23, etc.)

Manastone: Parry (Adds to your Parry value)
Value Range: +12-25
White Manastones: Even  (+12, +14, etc.)
Green Manastones: Odd  (+21, +23, etc.)

Manastone: Magic Boosting Power (Adds to your Magic Boosting Power value)
Value Range: +12-25
White Manastones: Even (+12, +14, etc.)
Green Manastones: Odd  (+21, +23, etc.)

Manastone: Shield Defense (Adds to your Block value)
Value Range: +12-25
White Manastones: Even (+12, +14, etc.)
Green Manastones: Odd  (+21, +23, etc.)

Manastone: Evasion (Adds to your Evasion value)
Value Range: +4-15
White Manastones: Even  (+4, +6, etc.)
Green Manastones: Odd  (+11, +13, etc.)

Manastone: Physical Critical Hit (Adds to your Crit Rate value)
Value Range: +4-15
White Manastones: Even  (+4, +6, etc.)
Green Manastones: Odd  (+11, +13, etc.)

Manastone: HP (Adds to your HP value)
Value Range: +20-85
White Manastones: By Tens (+20, +30, etc.)
Green Manastones: In-between Tens (+65, +75, etc.)

Manastone: MP (Adds to your MP value)
Value Range: +20-85
White Manastones: By Tens (20, 30, etc.)
Green Manastones: In-between Tens (65, 75, etc.)

Manastone: Magical Accuracy (Adds to your Magic Accuracy value)
Value Range: +10, +12
Green Manastones: (+10, +12)

Manastone: Maximum Flight Time (Adds to your Flight Time value)
Value Range: +4
Green Manastones: (+4)

Manastone: Magical Resistance (Adds to your Magical Resistance value)
Value Range: +12
Green Manastones: +12
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