1. Success Rate Weapon Upgrade:

+0  ->  +1   = 95%
+1  ->  +2   = 85%
+2  ->  +3   = 75%
+3  ->  +4   = 50%
+4  ->  +5   = 55%
+5  ->  +6   = 45%
+6  ->  +7   = 35%
+7  ->  +8   = 50%
+8  ->  +9   = 25%
+9  ->  +10 = 15%

2. Success Rate Armor Upgrade:

+0  ->  +1   = 95%
+1  ->  +2   = 85%
+2  ->  +3   = 75%
+3  ->  +4   = 50%
+4  ->  +5   = 65%
+5  ->  +6   = 55%
+6  ->  +7   = 45%
+7  ->  +8   = 50%
+8  ->  +9   = 35%
+9  ->  +10 = 30%
+10  ->  +11   = 25%
+11  ->  +12   = 20%
+12  ->  +13   = 25%
+13  ->  +14   = 15%
+14  ->  +15   = 10%

3. Upgrade Condition:
a.  Some people not understand about ideal standard Laghaim upgrade calculation. Ideal upgrade is sum of  NPC use by player, the most ideal success rate above is when the NPC used by You alone.

b.  Most people think that when You upgrade (example. weapon +3 to +4) after other people upgrade before you is still 50% success rate, sorry this is absolutely wrong !! why ?? Because upgrade success rate will change depend on the people upgrade before you (success or fail). If success then your success rate down (minus)  5 - 10%, if he's fail then your success rate (plus) 5 - 10%

c. Lag, busy map, and slow connection won't change success rate, but it will give high chance people upgrade before you or same time with you (this will affect to point [b]).

Laghaim Upgrade Tips and Trick:
1. Warranty efficiency:
a. Warranty 50%
This warranty will help you increase success rate +50% but won't higher than 99,99%, it still can be Fail, This is recommended to use for success rate minimum 35-45% for ideal condition, and above 50% for bad condition.

b. Warranty 100%
This warranty will help you increase success rate +100% and upgrade won't Fail, This is recommended to use if warranty 50% not enough increase success rate.
c.Safety Upgrade (Great Regent, Great Diamond)
This item can give you guarantee won't down + when fail, but upgrade success rate will be (minus) 10 - 15%. it's better for high quality item use warranty 50%, and don't use warranty 100% because wasted.

2. Upgrade Use Stepped Stone:
a. This trick is use failed upgrade as advantage calculate next Upgrade
In ideal conditions (only you upgrade item, no other people upgrade), you can use failed you previous upgrade as advantage. Every fail upgrade in a row will give you bonus success rate:
Fail 1 time = 10%
Fail 2 time = 15%
Fail 3 time = 20%
Fail 4 time = 25%
Fail 5 time = 50%

*you also can use low quality equipment for this trick.

b. Make Advantage From Break Item (armor only)
Remember, every time you break item while upgrade the next upgrade success rate affect as you use warranty 50%

c. Be Smart
Upgrade item isn't Gambling, everything can be predicted but the thing you should carefully was other people use NPC at same time or before you upgrade.

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